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Fontes, C. G, P.V. Fine, F. Wittmann, P.R. Bittencourt, M.T. Fernandez Piedade, N. Higuchi, J.Q. Chambers, T.E. and Dawson (2020), Convergent evolution of tree hydraulic traits in Amazonian habitats: implications for community assemblage and vulnerability to drought, New Phytologist. DOI:10.1111/nph.16675
Grossiord, C., T.N. Buckley, L.A. Cernusak, K.A. Novick, B. Poulter, R. Siegwolf, J.S. Sperry, N.G. McDowell (2020), Plant responses to rising evaporative demand, New Phytologist, 226(6), 1550-1566. DOI:10.1111/nph.16485
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Jardine, K., L. Piva, T. Rodrigues, G. Spanner, J. Rodrigues, V. Menezes, I. Sampaio, D. Oliveira, B. Gimenez, N. Higuchi, J. Chambers (2020), Volatiles Defenses of Amazon Azteca Ants (Repellent Ants), BioRxiv. DOI:10.1101/2020.04.15.043547
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Needham, Jessica, J.Q. Chambers, R. Fisher, R. Knox, C. Koven (2020), Forest responses to simulated elevated CO2 under alternate hypotheses of size- and age-dependent mortality, Global Change Biology, 26: 5734– 5753. DOI:10.1111/gcb.15254 (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
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Serbin, S. P. and P. A. Townsend (2020), Scaling Functional Traits from Leaves to Canopies. Pages 43-82 in J. Cavender-Bares, J. A. Gamon, and P. A. Townsend (editors), Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity, Springer International Publishing, Cham. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-33157-3_3
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Wei, L., C. Xu, S. Jansen, H. Zhou, B.O. Christoffersen, W.T. Pockman, R.S. Middleton, J.D. Marshall, N.G. McDowell (2019), A heuristic classification of woody plants based on contrasting shade and drought strategies, Tree Physiology, tpy146, DOI:0.1093/treephys/tpy146.
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Dickman L.T., N.G. McDowell, C. Grossiord, A.D. Collins, B.T. Wolfe, M. Detto, S.J. Wright, D. Goodsman, A. Rogers, S.P. Serbin, J. Wu, K.S. Ely, S.T. Michaletz, C. Xu, L.M. Kueppers, J.Q. Chambers (2018), Homeostatic maintenance of non-structural carbohydrates during the 2015-16 El Nino drought across a tropical forest precipitation gradient, Plant, Cell and Environment. DOI:10.1111/pce.13501 (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
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Fontes C.G., T.E. Dawson, K.J. Jardine, N.G. McDowell, B. Gimenez, L. Anderegg, R. Negron-Juarez, N. Higuchi, P. Fine, A.C. Araújo, J.Q. Chambers (2018), Dry and hot: the hydraulic consequences of a climate change-type drought for Amazonian trees, Phil. Trans Royal Society B. DOI:10.1098/rstb.2018.0209.
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Johnson, D.J., J. Needham, C. Xu, E.C. Massoud, S.J. Davies, K.J. Anderson-Teixeira, S. Bunyavejchewin, J.Q. Chambers, C.-H. Chang-Yang, J.-M. Chiang, G.B. Chuyong, R. Condit, S. Cordell, C. Fletcher, C.P. Giardina, T.W. Giambelluca, N. Gunatilleke, S. Gunatilleke, C.-F. Hsieh, S. Hubbell, F. Inman-Narahari, A. Rahman Kassim, M. Katabuchi, D. Kenfack, C.M. Litton, S. Lum, M. Mohamad, N. Musalmah, P.S. Ong, R. Ostertag, L. Sack, N.G. Swenson, I.F. Sun, S. Tan, D.W. Thomas, J. Thompson, M. Natalia Umaña, M. Uriarte, R. Valencia, S. Yap, J. Zimmerman, N.G. McDowell, S.M. McMahon (2018), Climate sensitive size-dependent survival in tropical trees, Nature Ecology and Evolution, in press. (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
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McDowell, N.G., C. Allen, K. Anderson-Teixera, P. Brando, R. Brienen, J.Q. Chambers, B. Christoffersen, S. Davies, C. Doughty, A. Duque, F. Espirito-Santo, R. Fisher, C.G. Fontes, D. Galbraith, D. Goodsman, D.J. Johnson, H. Hartmann, J. Holm, A.R. Kassim, M. Keller, C.D. Koven, L. Kueppers, T. Kumagai, H.C. Muller-Landau, Y. Malhi, S.M. McMahon, M. Mencuccini, P. Meir, P. Moorcroft, O. Phillips, T. Powell, C.A. Sierra, J. Sperry, J. Warren, C. Xu, X. Xu. (2018), Drivers and mechanisms of tree mortality in moist tropical forests, New Phytologist, https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.15027.
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Peters-Lidard, C.D., F. Hossain, F.R. Leung, N.G. McDowell, M. Rodell, F.J. Tapiador, F.J. Turk, A. Wood (2018), 100 years of progress in hydrology, Meteorological Monographs, 59, 25.1–25.51. DOI:10.1175/AMSMONOGRAPHS-D-18-0019.1
Piva, L.R.O., K.J Jardine, L. Oliveira Cobello, B. Oliva Gimenez, F. Machado Durgante, N. Higuchi, J.Q. Chambers (2018), Demonstration of a strict molecular oxygen requirement of yellow latex oxidation in the Central Amazon canopy tree Muiratinga (Maquira sclerophylla (Ducke) CC Berg), Revista Virtual de Química, 10 (5), 1316-1326. (pdf)
Powell T.L., Koven C.D., Johnson D.J., Faybishenko B., Fisher R.A., Knox R.G., McDowell N.G., Condit R., Hubbell S.P., Wright S.J., Chambers J.Q., Kueppers L.M. (2018) Variation in hydroclimate sustains tropical forest biomass and promotes functional diversity. New Phytologist. DOI: 10.1111/nph.15271 (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
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Christianson, D.S., C. Varadharajan, B. Christoffersen, M. Detto, B. Faybishenko, B.O. Gimenez, V. Hendrix, K. J. Jardine, R. Negron-Juarez, G.Z. Pastorello, T.L. Powell, M. Sandesh, J.M. Warren, B.T. Wolfe, J.Q. Chambers, L.M. Kueppers, N.G. McDowell, D.A. Agarwal (2017), A metadata reporting framework (FRAMES) for synthesis of ecohydrological observations, Ecological Informatics, 42, 148-158, doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2017.06.002. (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
Christoffersen, B., P. Meir, N.G. McDowell (2017), Linking plant hydraulics and beta diversity in tropical forests. New Phytologist, 215 (1) 12-14. dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.14601 (Commentary article)
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Fisher, R. A., Koven, C. D., Anderegg, W. R. L., Christoffersen, B. O., Dietze, M. C., Farrior, C., Holm, J. A., Hurtt, G., Knox, R. G., Lawrence, P. J., Lichststein, J. W., Longo, M., Matheny, A. M., Medvigy, D., Muller-Landau, H. C., Powell, T. L., Serbin, S. P., Sato, H., Shuman, J., Smith, B., Trugman, A. T., Viskari, T., Verbeeck, H., Weng, E., Xu, C., Xu, X., Zhang, T. and Moorcroft, P. (2017), Vegetation Demographics in Earth System Models: a review of progress and priorities, Glob Change Biology, doi.org/10.1111/gcb.13910. (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
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Jardine K., A. Jardine, J. Holm, D. Lombardozzi, R. Negron-Juarez, S. Martin, J. Chambers, N. Higuchi (2017), Monoterpene ‘thermometer’ of tropical forest response to climate warming, Plant Cell & Environment, 40(3), 441-452, doi:10.1111/pce.12879. (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
Jardine, K.J., V. Fernandes de Souza, P. Oikawa, P., N. Higuchi, M. Bill, R. Porras, Ü Niinemets, J.Q. Chambers (2017), Integration of C1 and C2 Metabolism in Trees. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 18(10), 2045, doi:10.3390/ijms18102045. (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
Koven, C. D., G. Hugelius, D.M. Lawrence, and W. Wieder (2017), Higher Climatological Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Carbon in Cold Than Warm Climates, Nature Climate Change, 7, 817-822, doi:10.1038/nclimate3421. (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
Li, Y., P. Gentine, A.G. Konings, F.C. Meinzer, J.S. Kimball, X. Xu, W.R.L. Anderegg, N.G. McDowell, J. Martinez-Vilalta, D.G. Long, S.P. Good (2017), Estimating global ecosystem iso/anisohydry using active and passive microwave satellite data, Biogeosciences, 122 (12): 3306-3321, DOI:10.1002/2017JG003958.
McDowell, NG, C. Xu (2017), Using traits to uncover tropical forest function, New Phytologist, 214(3), 903-904, doi:10.1111/nph.14576 (Commentary article)
Negron-Juarez, R.I., H. S. Jenkins, C. F. M. Raupp, W. J. Riley, L. M. Kueppers, D. Magnabosco Marra, G. H. P. Ribeiro, M. T. Monterio, L. A. Candido, J. Q. Chambers, N. Higuchi (2017), Windthrow Variability in Central Amazonia. Atmosphere, 8(2), 28, doi:10.3390/atmos8020028. (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
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Powell T.L., J.K. Wheeler, A.A.R. de Oliveira, A.C.L. da Costa, S.R. Saleska, P. Meir, P.R. Moorcroft (2017), Differences in xylem and leaf hydraulic traits explain differences in drought tolerance among mature Amazon rainforest trees, Global Change Biology, 23(10), 4280-4293, doi:10.1111/gcb.13731. (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
Restrepo-Coupe, N., Levine, N. M., Christoffersen, B. O., Albert, L. P., Wu, J., Costa, M. H., Galbraith, D., Imbuzeiro, H., Martins, G., da Araujo, A. C., Malhi, Y. S., Zeng, X., Moorcroft, P., and Saleska, S. R. (2017), Do dynamic global vegetation models capture the seasonality of carbon fluxes in the Amazon basin? A data-model intercomparison, Global Change Biology, 23, 191-208. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13442. (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
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Walker, A. P. T. Quaife, P.M. Van Bodegom, M. De Kauwe, T.F. Keenan, J. Joiner, M.R. Lomas, N. MacBean, C. Xu, X. Yang, F.I. Woodward (2017), The impact of alternative trait-scaling hypotheses for the maximum photosynthetic carboxylation rate (Vcmax) on global gross primary production, New Phytologist, 215(4), 1370-1386, doi:10.1111/nph.14623. (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
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Wu, J., Guan, K., Hayek, M., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Wiedemann, K. T., Xu, X., Wehr, R., Christoffersen, B. O., Miao, G., da Silva, R., de Araujo, A. C., Oliviera, R. C., Camargo, P. B., Monson, R. K., Huete, A. R., and Saleska, S. R. (2017), Partitioning controls on Amazon forest photosynthesis between environmental and biotic factors at hourly to interannual timescales, Global Change Biology, 23, 1240-1257, . (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
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Christoffersen, B. O., Gloor, M., Fauset, S., Fyllas, N. M., Galbraith, D. R., Baker, T. R., Kruijt, B., Rowland, L., Fisher, R. A., Binks, O. J., Sevanto, S. A., Xu, C., Jansen, S., Choat, B., Mencuccini, M., McDowell, N. G., and Meir, P., (2016). Linking hydraulic traits to tropical forest function in a size-structured and trait-driven model (TFS v.1-Hydro), Geoscientific Model Development, doi:10.5194/gmd-2016-128. (BER highlight) (highlight slide)
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